
Physics Lab

Chemistry Lab

Phython Lab


  • To write, test, and debug simple Python programs.
  • To implement Python programs with conditionals and loops.
  • Use functions for structuring Python programs.
  • Represent compound data using Python lists, tuples, dictionaries.
  • Read and write data from/to files in Python.

List of Experiments

  • Compute the GCD of two numbers.
  • Find the square root of a number (Newton‘s method)
  • Exponentiation (power of a number)
  • Find the maximum of a list of numbers
  • Linear search and Binary search
  • Selection sort, Insertion sort
  • Merge sort
  • First n prime numbers
  • Multiply matrices
  • Programs that take command line arguments (word count)
  • Find the most frequent words in a text read from a file
  • Simulate elliptical orbits in Pygame
  • Simulate bouncing ball using Pygame


Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to:

  • Write, test, and debug simple Python programs.
  • Implement Python programs with conditionals and loops.
  • Develop Python programs step-wise by defining functions and calling them.
  • Use Python lists, tuples, dictionaries for representing compound data.
  • Read and write data from/to files in Python.

Faculty In-Charge

Ms. G. Vasukidevi



  • To develop programs in C using basic constructs.
  • To develop applications in C using strings, pointers, functions, structures.
  • To develop applications in C using file processing.

List of Experiments

1. Programs using I/O statements and expressions.

2. Programs using decision-making constructs.

3. Write a program to find whether the given year is leap year or Not? (Hint: not every     

    Centurion year is a leap. For example, 1700, 1800 and 1900 is not a leap year)

4. Design a calculator to perform the operations, namely, addition, subtraction,

    multiplication, division and square of a number.

5. Check whether a given number is Armstrong number or not?

6. Given a set of numbers like <10, 36, 54, 89, 12, 27>, find sum of weights based on the

    following conditions

5 if it is a perfect cube

4 if it is a multiple of 4 and divisible by 6

3 if it is a prime number

Sort the numbers based on the weight in the increasing order as shown below <10, its weight>,<36,its weight><89,its weight>

7. Populate an array with height of persons and find how many persons are above the

    average height.

8. Populate a two dimensional array with height and weight of persons and compute the

    Body Mass Index of the individuals.

9. Given a string ―a$bcd./fg‖ find its reverse without changing the position of special

    characters. (Example input:a@gh%;j and output:j@hg%;a)

10. Convert the given decimal number into binary, octal and hexadecimal numbers using

      user defined functions. 

11. From a given paragraph perform the following using built-in functions:

a. Find the total number of words.

b. Capitalize the first word of each sentence.

c. Replace a given word with another word.

12. Solve towers of Hanoi using recursion.

13. Sort the list of numbers using pass by reference.

14. Generate salary slip of employees using structures and pointers.

15. Compute internal marks of students for five different subjects using structures and


16. Insert, update, delete and append telephone details of an individual or a company into

     a telephone directory using random access file.

17. Count the number of account holders whose balance is less than the minimum

      balance using sequential access file.

Mini project

18. Create a ―Railway reservation system‖ with the following modules


·Availability checking


·Prepare chart



  • Develop C programs for simple applications making use of basic constructs, arrays and strings.
  • Develop C programs involving functions, recursion, pointers, and structures.
  • Design applications using sequential and random access file processing.


Faculty In-charge

Ms G Vasukidevi



English enhances the employability of students. It enriches a high-degree of proficiency in English Language. It is the language of opportunities. It enables the students to expedite the process of improving learning skills, with more emphasis on LSRW (Learning, Speaking, Reading & Writing). These labs train the students in Language Skills, Soft Skills, Inter Personal Skills, Decision Making, Business Communication, Pre-Placement Training, Corporate Readiness, GRE etc.
The main aim of this labs is to improve Communication Skills in formal and informal situations. It is also to impart training to students through the syllabus in its theoretical aspects and practical components.
The lab is equipped with 72 Advanced Pentium Systems which also has high quality audio & video capabilities.
Software Packages available:

  • Globarena
  • K-Van Solutions

Communication skills are very important for the Students to get placements easily. communication skills lab established to improve listening and speaking skills and interview skills to the students.
The total area size is 250 Sq.m

  • Ms. Jayalakshmi V, Assistant Professor
  • Ms. Ida M, Assistant Professor


  • Mr. Basheer

The following course Components are taught in the laboratory equipping students develop the following skills through theory and practice:
Ø  Interpersonal Skills -  Functional English – Starting a conversion – responding appropriately and relevantly – using the right body language – role play in different situations.
Ø  Vocabulary Building – synonyms and antonyms, word roots, one-word substitutes, prefixes and suffixes, study of word origin, analogy, idioms and phrases.
Ø  Reading Comprehension – reading for facts,  guessing meanings from context, scanning, skimming, inferring meaning, Critical reading.
Ø  Writing Skills – structure and presentation of different types of writing – Resume Writing/ e-correspondence/Technical report writing/ portfolio writing – planning for writing – research abilities/data collection/organizing data/tools/analysis – improving one’s writing.
Ø  Group Discussion – dynamics of group,  intervention, summarizing, modulation of voice, body language, relevance, fluency and coherence.
Ø  Presentation Skills – Oral presentations (individual and group) through JAM sessions/seminars and written presentations through posters/projects/reports/PPTs/e-mails/assignments etc.
Ø  Interview Skills – concept and process,  pre-interview planning, opening strategies, answering strategies, interview through tele and video-conferencing.


    • HS8381 - Interpersonal Skills / Listening & Speaking  - II Year / III Semester
    • HS8461 - Advance Reading and Writing  - II Year / IV Semester
    • HS8581 - Professional Communication – III Year ( V & VI Semesters)