VLSI Design Laboratory

Objectives & Outcomes

The student should be made to:

  • To learn Hardware Descriptive Language(Verilog/VHDL).
  • To learn the fundamental principles of VLSI circuit design in digital and analog domain.
  • To familiarise fusing of logical modules on FPGAs.
  • To provide hands on design experience with professional design (EDA) platforms.

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

  • Write HDL code for basic as well as advanced digital integrated circuits.
  • Import the logic modules into FPGA Boards.
  • Synthesize, Place and Route the digital IPs.
  • Design, Simulate and Extract the layouts of Analog IC Blocks using EDA tools.

List of Major Equipments & Software

  • FPGA Kits with
  • XILINX Simulator
  • Microwind
  • LT Spice

Area in Sq.mts

160.96 Sq.m

Lab Incharge

Ms. Sangeethalakshmi K