Microprocessor & MicroController Laboratory

Objectives & Outcomes

The student should be made to:

  • Introduce ALP concepts and features
  • Write ALP for arithmetic and logical operations in 8086 and 8051
  • Differentiate Serial and Parallel Interface
  • Interface different I/Os with Microprocessors

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

  • Write ALP Programmes for fixed and Floating Point and Arithmetic
  • Interface different I/Os with processor
  • Generate waveforms using Microprocessors
  • Execute Programs in 8051

List of Major Equipments & Software

  • 8086 Trainer kit (LCD)
  • 8051 Trainer (LCD)
  • 8255 Interfacing Card
  • 8279 Interfacing Card
  • 8259 Interfacing card
  • 8251 Interfacing Card
  • ADC Interfacing card and DAC Interfacing Card
  • Stepper Motor and DC Motor Interfacing card
  • 8-Digit Multiplexed Display Board and Traffic Light Controller
  • 8085-Microprocessor Kits
  • CRO (30 MHZ)
  • MASAM / TASAM, Keil Simulator

Area in Sq.mts

160.96 Sq.m

Lab Incharge

Mr.Rajagopal R