Department of Physical Education

The department of Physical Education has made tremendous progress in sharpening and shaping the various skills in sports, increasing mental strength and inculcating the eagerness in students to excel in their performances, thereby enabling them to outshine and register remarkable feats in their respective sporting events.


Facilities for playing indoor and outdoor games are provided for the students. The following are the excellent outdoor sports infrastructural facilities provided for the students.

  • A Cricket Ground
  • A Basket Ball Court
  • A Football Ground
  • Two Tennis Courts
  • Two Badminton Courts
  • Two Volleyball Courts
  • Throw Ball Courts
  • Two Tenkiot Courts
  • A 400 Mts. Athletic track and Field of International standard has been commissioned for the students to develop their sports personality.

Indoor Games

  • Carrom Board
  • Chess Board
  • Table Tennis