The department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering was established at RMKCET with a firm commitment to develop and produce quality electrical engineers with high technical knowledge and good practical bias combined with leadership skills. Faculty for the department is selected from the best academics with vast experience in various specializations like control systems, electrical machines, power systems, power electronics and drives etc..
The department is equipped with latest infrastructure and equipped labs to cater to the needs of students and the training needs in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Students are encouraged to gain practical experience under the guidance of faculty in
Academic-industrial interactions is created by organizing, industrial visits, in plant training and regular soft skill development training. Free internet access is provided to students to update their knowledge. Eminent experts from IIT and Anna University and industries are visited to deliver Guest Lectures.
The performance of the students in every test is carefully analyzed and individual academic records are maintained throughout their stay here is a well designed format. Special evening classes are conducted for select students to help them and bring them to the main stream through individual attention. The proctural mentoring system ensures continuous interaction with students and counseling as needed. At RMKCET parents are an integral part of the institution and regular communications is sent to them, informing them of the progress of the students from time to time.